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Show Notes
Bonus Episode (The Caroline Fandom)
24. Mr. Cassidy's Large Adult Son (Caroline and the Condom)
23. Physician Martenne (Caroline and the Wedding)
22. Only Grande Dames Wear Peach (Caroline and the Bridesmaids), with Jessica Morgan
21. B+ Episode of The Newsroom (Caroline and Richard's Mom), with Kent Carney and Loren Cline
20. A Good Month for Redheads (Caroline and the Cereal), with Ben Siemon
19. Floppy-Haired Safe Boys (Caroline and the Movie), with Margaret Lyons
18. List of Males, v3 (Caroline and the Ex-Wife), with Samantha Powell
17. Never Trust a Man with Bangs (Caroline and the Kid), with Jessie Weinberg
Bonus Interview (Cathy Ladman)
16. Thirsty & the Resumes (Caroline and the Proposal), with Jasmine Guillory
15. Broomstick of a Man (Caroline and the Bad Date), with Margaret H. Willison
14. The Arm Makes Sense! (Caroline and the Watch), with Elise Laplante
13. Scrapbook of Receipts (Caroline and the Twenty-Eight Pound Walleye), with Meghan Deans
12. Get Some Eggs and Oils (Caroline and the Married Man), with Josh A. Cagan
11. Sir, This Is a Remo's (Caroline and the Gift), with Adam Grosswirth
10. Game Respects Game (Caroline and the Christmas Break), with Chelsea Jupin
9. Cow Are You? (Caroline and the Convict), with Aysha Wax
8. We Call That a Beard (Caroline and the Balloon), with David Levy
7.Why Are Men? (Caroline and the Opera)
Bonus Interview (Jeff Garvin)
6. Happy Birthday Parking Lot (Caroline and the Folks)
Bonus Interview (Jason Graae)
5. Did He Just Say Corn? (Caroline and the ATM)
4. Angela Was the Boss (Caroline and the Bad Back)
3. Don't Eat Cats (Caroline and the Gay Art Show)
Bonus Recap (Stars in the House)
2. Richard Be Shopping (Caroline and the Mugger)
1. Pilot (Pilot)
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